Hey all,
I went to my audiologists today to get my new left earmold! I am happy! I have two ears again! I guess I had two ears before too, with the temporary mold but I didn't use it very much. It was quite incomfortable.
Although having two aids again is a good things, I am not free from hearing aid related challenges yet...My right aid seems to turn it's self on and off as it feels it is necessary-which is far more often thatn I feel is necessary! It is frustrating. I will be in the middle of a conversation and then *BAM* silence. A minute or so later I here the little "doo doo doooo doot!" to let me know it is on again. It is annoying as sin! I asked my audologist about it today and she changed some stuff to see if it would help, and then I was walking down Church St. with one of my friends and silence. I don't get it. I sent my audiologist an email asking if she could program my left aid for my right ear and my right aid for my left ear until we have it figured out. I don't use my left ear so it is okay if that one turns on and off. My right ear I need!
I also talked to her about school stuff. I hate the school stuff. I don't want to talk about it right now, so I won't.
I just want this all to be over! I was reading over some of my old journal entries in my personal journal. I read the one from the first day I met with this audiologist. I found it kind of entertaining...
"I had an appointment with an audiologist today. I had another hearing test and as I
suspected my hearing has dropped. I had impressions taken for earmolds and ordered new
hearing aids and everything. I should have them in two weeks. I hate having to admit that
I need them, and I hate having to work with an audiologist again. I hate audiologists! Oh
well, I will only need to see her like 3 times. Once today, once for the initial hearing aid
fitting, and then once for a follow up fitting. This is a good thing because she was super
patronizing! She talked to me like I was a five year old, who knew nothing. She also looks
like she is fresh out of school, which often translates to being inexperienced, and not
knowledgable. I do not like her at all. I am not going to be bothered trying to find someone I
do like though because I only need to see her twice more. Then I can find someone else in
future. I can deal for now!'
I think that is so funny! I use that audiologist still and I love her! I wouldn't trade her for the world. She is the best audiologist I have ever worked with. Funny how people change when you give them a chance. I don't think she was actually patronizing -I think I made her out to be in my head. Although she is young, and fresh out of school, if she doesn't know something she will research it and talk to be people. I think I have come to value a willingness to learn in the medical professionals I deal with. I think it is much better than to have someone who thinks they know everything! I also find it funny that I was so insistant that there would only be three appointments, and it would be fine. I had appointment number 17 today. We have also emailed each other back and forth at least once a week since that initial appointment. It really is a good thing I don't hate her anymore!
Anyway that is enough for tonight!
For Children with Hearing Loss, Not Any Teacher Will Do
I am a certified teacher. I am licensed to teach general education, special
education and students with hearing loss. But, of course, I consider myself
a T...
5 years ago