Hey all,
Well, I think everything is squared away with the aids! Yay! I got my new right aid yesterday and it doesn't turn on and off every five seconds! I am happy happy happy!
That being said, my allergies are killer right now and I am all stuffed up. I hate spring! To top it all off I am going to be house/cat sitting for a friend for the next three days starting tomorrow, and I am allergic to cats. As a result of all my stuffyness my ears are all plugged up. I have been jacking up the volume on my aids so I can still hear. When I am no longer stuffy, hopefully Thursday when I get new allergy meds, I am going to have some very loud aids because of the stupid self learning thing that they do. I wonder if that can be turned off....I should look into that. If I am going to have allergy problems all season, regardless of what meds I am on. Maybe it wouldbe a good idea to turn off the self learning thing for the summer season, but then in winter I get ear infections and colds. Maybe I should see if it can just be turned off all together. I will check next time I see my audiologist.
Anyway, I have some seriouse researching to do for a new hearing related things. I am going to get on that and I will explain later!
For Children with Hearing Loss, Not Any Teacher Will Do
I am a certified teacher. I am licensed to teach general education, special
education and students with hearing loss. But, of course, I consider myself
a T...
4 years ago
Jenny, Friends are oh so important and we love our 'true' friends, but considering your allergies and current state of 'stuffiness' you just compound your issues by insisting on being a 'friend' and cat sitting. When do you consider self survival instinct to kick in and insist on helping yourself first? I am sure your friend would understand and seek other cat sitting alternatives. That is the respectful/responsible thing to do. For both of you!
IMHO, of course.
Hey! I stumbled across your blog from somewhere...AllDeaf.com perhaps?
Anyways, I'm glad that you're are going to try to exhaust every option you have to gain back what you've heard, before doing anything intensive. I went through the same issues that you did, then I finally opted on getting the CI. Got my left implanted on Jan 10th, my right implanted on May 15th.
Like you, I've become dependent on hearing sounds. If I didn't get the CI, I would always have a difficult time understanding people or knowing what I heard. It was really a pain to solve the issues with my hearing aids because all they do is amplify sounds, not giving me the clarity that I need.
Hope you enjoy your new aids! Keep up with the blogging. :-D
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