Hey all,
I got my new earmolds today. I sat there with them in my ears for 15 minutes, without the aids attached, to see if I would be allergic to them. I wasn't, or at least not yet, you never know with me. Though I don't seem to be allergic to them there are several initially obvious problems with them. First, the left one hurts. The left mold always hurts the first time around. I don't get it. The remakes have always been much better but the initial mold never is. I emailed my audiologist about it and we will see what she says. The second problem is that they aren't vented. Without the vents I may get a whole lot of ear infections. It is a double edged sword though, one way I get ear infections, the other I don't have as much gain to use because of feedback issues. Which is more important to me right now? I don't know. Third, and this isn't important, they are pink. Not very pink but they are pink regardless. I don't think it is noticeable in my ear but it is outside of my ear. They are pink...
It is late and I am sleepy! So no more for tonight!
For Children with Hearing Loss, Not Any Teacher Will Do
I am a certified teacher. I am licensed to teach general education, special
education and students with hearing loss. But, of course, I consider myself
a T...
5 years ago
LOL, I think pink is VERY important!
I enjoy reading your blog and hope you'll consider adding it to the aggregator at Deaf Village (www.deafvillage.com)!
I think it is important as well but not worth complaining about hahaha. I think this material only comes in pink. I may be allergic to them though. I don't know yet. I seem to be able to tollerate them in my ears for much less time than I could the first day. Unfortunatly I went on vacation for the weekend and didn't bring my old moulds with me. I am not to smart somtimes!
I did add my blog to Deaf Village, I think...
I visited your blog for first time today. We share the allergy to ear molds problem, as well as using same brand of hearing aids. Wishing you luck and now off to google Deaf Village to see if I can find it!
Best of luck w/ your friends learning ASL, as well as your quest for hearing aid molds that will be appropriate material.
I experienced sudden hearing loss last December and have so much to learn. Getting there....
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