Hey all,
Well, tomorrow morning I am going to get my new earmolds. We are hoping these ones will fix the feedback issues I experience. I am also going to ask her about some making some adjustments, not necessarily tomorrow but in the near future. She had changed some stuff because I had been feeling off balance between my two ears. She solved that problem, for the most part, but now my ability to pick voices - or anything really - out of the other sounds is almost non-existant. I initially thought I would adjust but I haven't. It is truly possible that this has everything to do with a change in my hearing and not the hearing aids. It is hard to tell at this point. I will ask her tomorrow what she thinks. In the mean time I am looking forward to getting new molds, kinda. I am not sure what exactly I am getting but I will find out tomorrow. She had mentioned a whole slew of different materials they could be made out of and I don't remember which one she had picked. I did research the ones I could remember though and several were not hypoallergenic which scares me a little. I am known to have allergic reactions to earmolds!
Anyway, I want to read a little and then go to bed...short post for today!
For Children with Hearing Loss, Not Any Teacher Will Do
I am a certified teacher. I am licensed to teach general education, special
education and students with hearing loss. But, of course, I consider myself
a T...
5 years ago
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