Hey everyone!
I went and got my right hearing aid back again today. They ended up just sending me a new one which is fine I guess. We still aren't sure exactly how my hearing aid broke. She changed the battery and then the battery door was broken. I think we have decided it was faulty from the start and something she did just made it evidently faulty. It works now though!
I don't like the sound at all. I have actually sent my audiologist a few emails saying that I hate them and if I never had to use them for speech again I would be better off, and then there were a few saying I missed them and wanted them back. I mostly missed music and being able to hear it. Actually I have been listening to music all night but when I am listening to something that isn't music, IE ambient noise, I am miserable. I hate the sounds. I think it is because I can understand the music. I can't understand the noises and environmental sounds very well anymore. I think with time and practice I could but I don't really have anyone to help me with that. I need someone who can devote an hour a few times a week to helping me learn sounds. I need someone to quiz me with different sounds, and someone who can explain what all the sounds are. If I am alone in my apartment and I hear something I don't understand it can be near impossible for me to trouble shoot what the sound is on my own. I can't always tell the direction of sounds or the volume of them so I basically have no perception on where, how loud, or what the sound is. It can be very frustrating sometimes to simply not understand the auditory world at all. I can understand the visual cues, and I can understand the tactile information but sound just doesn't make sense anymore. I think that is more frustrating for me than not hearing it. I am happy in my silent world, though I miss music, and then someone comes along and tells me I need to wear these plastic things on my ears that makes everything seem loud and foreign. I slowly start to get used to the sounds and then somebody takes them away for some reason. Then when I get them back I don't understand anymore and I need to start over again.
Then there are the adjustments! Every time my audiologist adjusts my hearing aids I can't understand anything for a long time. This is especially annoying if I had already adjusted to them enough that they were helping with speech reading. Then if my audiologist changes something I can't really communicate easily for any specified period of time. It is annoying!!!
Anyway that is all I have time to write. I am hoping to have a VLOG up in the next few days!
For Children with Hearing Loss, Not Any Teacher Will Do
I am a certified teacher. I am licensed to teach general education, special
education and students with hearing loss. But, of course, I consider myself
a T...
5 years ago
Wow, I've read your blog and the archives and I'm so impressed with your intelligence and your writing skills.
May I ask a few questions?
First, at what age did you lose your hearing?
When did you start to wear hearing aids?
How long have you been signing and speech reading?
Speech reading without sound is very difficult, I'm so impressed that you can do that so well.
And last, do you use any assistive devices for your classes?
I found your blog from a hearing loss forum and would like to keep up with your "walk through this world of hearing impairment", and wish you all the best.
: )
Hi Annie,
I started to lose my hearing when I was 2, at least that is when it was diagnosed. I made my way through childhood with a moderate-moderately severe loss, then last November it started to rapidly deteriorate. The first audiogram I did showed a moderately severe-profound loss, the next one showed a severe-profound loss, and the next one was just profound. Now I have a profound loss with no response past 1000Hz.
I have been signing since I can remember. I was a late talker so my parents used signed english with me. I am making the transition into ASL now. I have also been speech reading my whole life. Just kind of picked it up!
I do have an FM system for use in classes but I will be using interpreters next year, as well as note takers.
I am glad you are enjoying my blog!
Take care,
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