Hi Everyone,
I have been pretty bad about blogging lately. The combination of school, work, doctors appointments, and everything else has been pretty tiring. I have also really discovered the Deaf community here in Toronto and as a result I have been out meeting, and networking, with people every chance I get!
I have also been distracted with writing other things. I wanted to write a detailed recount of the last several months. The last few months have been the most trying, humerouse, interesting months of my life. The people I have encountered have changed my life forever - sometimes by being my friend, sometimes by giving me life altering medical news, sometimes by presenting me with challenges I have no idea how to over come. Regardless the past months have been filled with emotional ups and downs.
Reflection has been a key theme in my last several blog posts. I think it is because the present is still difficult to process and the future is beyond predictible for me. I simply do not know where I will be physicially, emotionally, mentally, or medically next week, let alone next year! This can be hard for me because I like to plan. I need to plan. Without the ability to plan for the future I find myself stuck in the past.
While there are many things happening in the present for me I cannot comment on them right now. I need to give those things time to become history before I can truly look over them with enough consideration to write about them.
As life with my current hearing loss and hearing aids begins to settle I have begun to wonder if this blog is still relevant, if it is still interesting for people. I think now, more than ever, this blog is important. Now I am beyond the struggle, and the adapting period. I have moved on with my life and this blog is my opportnity to speak about that. To speak about how my life has evolved and continues as a result of my hearing. Being Deaf, as well as deaf, has greatly shaped where I am now and what my concerns, ambitions, and goals are. Without my d/Deafness I would be in a very different place, doing very different things. I would be fighting for different acceptance, and I would be presenting myself to the world in a different way.
I think looking at where I am now, I am happy that I am Deaf. I am happy I can't hear and the new opportunities that it has given me. That may sound backwards to some, but it is true. There are so many opportunities for me as a strong Deaf female activist and there are so many bridges to cross. My life is far from limited and I can see this blog evolving and the focus shifting. Perhaps now I will focus more on my life as a Deaf person, not my life as a deaf person. While the two aren't mutually exclusive the focus can shift, and I think it will.
I guess we will all just have to wait and see what shape this blog takes in the future!
That is all for now!
For Children with Hearing Loss, Not Any Teacher Will Do
I am a certified teacher. I am licensed to teach general education, special
education and students with hearing loss. But, of course, I consider myself
a T...
5 years ago
You asked if your blog is still worthwhile - YES! I'm walking a step behind you in your journey to embrace Deafness and reading your thoughts on the subject are inspiring. =) Don't stop!
I am not going to stop!
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