Hi Everyone,
I have been posting in a different style lately and my focus has changed to more Deaf issues rather than the world of my ears. Today I am going to step back into the world of my ears for a moment, but I do have a question for all of you who read this blog. What do you prefer? What do you want me to write about? I am open to any topic suggestions, questions, anything! Let me know!
In the last week womens voices have become incredibly annoying. I hate listening to women speaking and they sound like "chipmunks on helium". I noticed it first when one of my interpreters was voicing for me, then again when I was talking with my accessibility services person, and then again with my audiologist. They all sound strange! Not to mention my own voice.
I saw my audiologist about it today and she couldn't figure out why. I hope she can, I want it back to normal. It is most annoying because I know some people by voice but now they sound different. Sigh. We'll see what happens!
For Children with Hearing Loss, Not Any Teacher Will Do
I am a certified teacher. I am licensed to teach general education, special
education and students with hearing loss. But, of course, I consider myself
a T...
5 years ago
awww jenny don't you fret the chipmunks will be fixed!
topic suggestions:
-christmas and what you like about it
-your dog
-your amazinggg audi
your school
-life away from parents
-canada in general
-Ddeaf events
-one of your bff's alicia...
-fave foods and why
-and i can't think of anymore but maybe fave movies..that's all i got for ya
I especially loved your posts about interpreters and the epiphany you had while working with "Erin."
I've just discovered your blog by way of your post on the HA Forum and now have it bookmarked. You are a beautiful writer who will clearly go very far in life!
I'm always finding it hard to think of topics to write about on my blog too.
hope your well
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