Hello one and all!
Today I want to talk about those torturous little plastic demons that rest behind our ears -- a harsh description, I realize, but my feelings are strong.
For a long time I wore my hearing aids everyday, during every waking hour. Partially because I was forced to and partially because I enjoyed hearing things. As time went on I became more self-conscious of my hearing status and became ashamed of my hearing aids. I grew out my hair so it covered them, and made sure they were beige so they didn't stand out too much. I still wore them more or less all the time. At this point I was still in high school (a hearing high school) so I liked being able to hear what was going on around me. My peers also had a habit of throwing things at me if I didn't respond to verbal calls for attention.
When my hearing dropped 30 dB without warning I ended up going about a month without hearing aids while we waited for my new ones. This also meant a month of complete silence. At the time I was very bitter. I just wanted to hear something! As the month went on I became used to my silent world. I learned to appreciate it and value the silence. It was my own little world and I was safe there.
When I got my new hearing aids I wore them all day, everyday, for about a week. From there the use of them dwindled. I reverted back my silent world and became comfortable there. I still use my hearing aids now, but only in certain situations.
For the most part I will always have them on when I am at school. Whether or not they are turned on is a different story but they are always on my ears. If it is between classes or I am just hanging out on campus for some reason they are normally turned on. During classes and tutorials it is hit and miss. It depends on the class and who the prof or TA is. If I like the way their voice sounds I will keep them on, if not I will turn them off. If I am with hearing friends and people I like to have them on too. If I am with Deaf friends and they have theirs on I also like to have mine on.
If I am alone and out doing errands or something I normally have them on my ears but not turned on. It is partially so the visual cue that I am Deaf is there, and partially so if I want to hear something I just need to turn them on. If I am home alone I never have them on.
The thing I find kind of funny is that now that they aren't beige I am more willing to use my hearing aids. I don't feel like a grandma anymore! Purple is much cooler and it matches my personality better too!
I'm tired so that is all for tonight! I was also thinking tonight that I should make vlogs that correspond with all of my blog posts. Catching up will be a lot of work though! I will try to do it soon! Perhaps over the holidays!
For Children with Hearing Loss, Not Any Teacher Will Do
I am a certified teacher. I am licensed to teach general education, special
education and students with hearing loss. But, of course, I consider myself
a T...
5 years ago
Purple? So cool and why not! Just dropped in to read, wanted to say "hi" and bring you up to date.
I got my Lucite ear molds two weeks ago. Had been using just closed domes w/ my Exelia P models. Lots of programming issues now and some of it because the "tubes" in my ears have worked their way out of the ear drums. The good news is that I'm not having allergic response to the Lucite. Programming will just take time, I guess, and many visits at this rate!
Hi Carol!
Just be patient! I promise it will pay off in the end. I have been at this stuff for a year with my audiologist and I have seen her twice this week already. Though, both were short visits. One time to drop off an earmold to be fixed, and the other for a tubing replacement.
I am happy to hear that you aren't allergic to the lucite!
Keep me updated!
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