Friday, March 21, 2008

Rough day at school...

Hey All,

I go to a small alternative highschool and that means a small tighy knit group of students, right? Wrong!

The other students know I am deaf, they know I wear hearing aids, and they know I don't always respond if they call my name. When I lost the vast majority of my residual hearing a week and a half ago I didn't expect that I would have any problems with my classmates. Yesterday I was sitting in the classroom while we were on break and two of my classmates were sitting near me. Apperently they started talking about me and were talking about how it was funny that I couldn't hear them. It was just stupid and juvanile. The teacher told them to stop, but none the less it is frustrating. I know I shouldn't concern myself with imature individuals but it still hurt me when I was told what they were doing.


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