Tuesday, April 15, 2008

And then I had my aids...

Hey everyone!

I have my new hearing aids! I am sooo happy! I went today at 2:45 and got them! It was nice because my audiologist had already done all of the programming so it really reduced my appointment time.

It has been a month since I last had aids and I am over joyed to have them again! I have Naida V UltraPowers and so far they are pretty good!

I can hear people speaking but it isn't speech. Basically I am hearing sounds but they don't make sense and/or words. I understand that that might take time, up to three months or so I have been told. That being said, when I listen to a song or something that I know I can pick out words here and there.

I was at a group meeting tonight and there were about 20 people there. I was able to tell which direction the sounds were coming from and therefore easily identify the speaker and read them. That being said, the since I am only getting sounds it is very difficult to speech read. I find myself focusing a lot more on it, and asking people to repeat themselves more often. Hopefully this will improve with time.

I also seem to be having some feedback problems. Though I can't hear it, those around me can. I have been asked a few times now why my head is squeeling.

Nothing sounds the same as it did with my old aids. I don't know how much of this is the Naidas, and how much is my current hearing thresholds. I will talk to my audi about that next time I see her.

Over all I am fairly happy with the aids! If anything I am getting environmental sounds which was all I really wanted. They are keepers for sure!


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